...Is this too many sneak peeks? Am I over-sharing? Do I care? tbh I DO care. Hannah and Ben's wedding was so utterly fabulous, it needs to be seen! Take a look for yourself. Am I right or am I right?! It had everything: Excellent fun newly-weds (10/10 - would recommend) Friends, friends and more friends Heaps of style Beautiful venues all day long All the love Smoke-bombs Jackets for the bridal party tails for the groomsmen beeeYOOtiful flowers for days the BEST wedding band UH-MAZING food Lots of wonderful family, guests and friends ready for lots of fun Tick...tick... TICK. Scroll through to the end for portraits that made me do a little dance of delight. Recommended suppliers linked below!
Stoke Albany Church: https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/16605/
Bridgehouse Barn: https://www.bridgehousebarn.co.uk
Florist: Wilderfloral https://www.wilderfloral.co.uk
Dress:Ghost London https://www.ghost.co.uk/
Bridesmaid dresses: https://prettylavish.co.uk
Photography: https://www.fineshadefilms.co.uk
Videography: http://www.fineshadefilms.co.uk
wedding photographer Northampton, Wedding videographer Northampton, https://www.instagram.com/fineshade_studios/
